
Every student enrolled at the University of Messina can access a series of online services thanks to a unified authentication system (SSO). These services include access to the University's WIFI network, the Google Apps suite including an institutional email account (student webmail), access to the University's e-learning platform and online secretarial services (ESSE3).
To obtain an SSO account you must complete the registration on ESSE3.

The SSO credentials are provided upon confirmation of enrollment by the Secretariat and typically consist of a username made up of your tax code completing it with (e.g., plus a password.
If you lose your password, you can recover it using the forgotten password procedure.

If the account does not work to access the various services, it is possible that the secretariat has not confirmed the registration; in this case it is useful to check the online enrollment confirmation on ESSE3 or go in person to the student secretary of your Degree programme.

Please also remember that, after confirmation of registration by the secretariat or in the case of recovery or change of password, 24 hours are required for the account to function.
